Thursday, May 24, 2012

Netapp Data Ontap CLI Pocket Guide

General Commands
setup (Re-Run initial setup)
halt (Reboots controller into bootrom)
reboot (Reboots controller back to Data Ontap)
sysconfig -a (System configuration and information)
java netapp.cmds.jsh (limited freebsd cli)
storage show disk (show physical information about disks)
passwd (Change password for logged in user)
sasadmin shelf (shows a graphical layout of your shelves with occupied disk slots)
options trusted.hosts x.x.x.x or x.x.x.x/nn (hosts that are allowed telnet, http, https and ssh admin access. x.x.x.x = ip address, /nn is network bits)
options trusted.hosts * (Allows all hosts to the above command)
sysstat -s 5 (Displays operating statistics every 5 seconds i.e. CPU, NFS, CIFS, NET, DISK, etc)
options autologout.console.enable on (Turns on autologout for the console)
options autologout.console.timeout 300 (300 second autologout for the console)
options autologout.telnet.enable on (Turns on autologout for telnet)
options autologout.telnet.timeout 300 (300 second autologout for the console)
Press DEL at boot up during memory test followed by boot_diags and select all (Diagnostic tests for a new install)
priv set diags (Enter diagnostics CLI mode from the Ontap CLI)
priv set (Return to normal CLI mode from diagnostics mode)
software list (Lists software in the /etc/software directory)
software get http://x.x.x.x/ (Copy software from http to software directory)
software delete (Deletes software in the /etc/software directory)
software update -r (Install software. The -r prevents it rebooting afterwards)
ACP (Alternate Control Path)
options acp.enabled on (Turns on ACP)
storage show acp -a (show ACP status)
Root Volume
The Root Volume can only be on a 32 bit aggregate if you want to create a 64 bit aggregate you must create a seperate aggregate.
aggr create aggregate_name (Creates an Aggregate)
aggr destroy aggregate_name (removes an Aggregate)
aggr offline aggregate_name (takes an Aggregate offline)
aggr online aggregate_name (bring an Aggregate online)
aggr options aggregate_name root (makes an Aggregate root|Only use if your Root Aggregate is damanged)
aggr status (shows status of all aggregates)
aggr status aggregate_name (show status of a specific Aggregate)
aggr status -r aggr0 (shows the root volume on aggr0 and the disk layout)
aggr status -s aggr0 (shows spare disks on aggr0)
aggr show_space aggregate_name (shows specific aggregate space information)
aggr options aggregate_name nosnap=on (Disable snapshot autocreation)
aggr options aggregate_name raidsize=x (x being the number of drives in the RAID)
snap reserve -A aggregate_name 0 (Set Aggregate snap reserve to 0% or any number you enter)
snap list -A aggregate_name (Lists snapshots on specified aggregate)
snap delete -A aggregate_name (Deletes a snapshot on a specified aggregate)
snap sched -A aggregate_name x x x@x,x,x (Creates a snapshot shedule in weeks days hours@time ie 0 2 1@9 means no weekly snaps, 2 daily, 1 hourly @ 9am)
vol create volume_name (Creates a volume)
vol autosize volume_name (Shows autosize settings for a given volume)
vol autosize volume_name on|off (Turns Volume autosize on or off)
vol options volume_name (Lists volume options)
vol size volume_name + size k|m|g|t (increase volume size by KB, MB, GB or TB)
vol status -f (lists broken or failed disks)
vol scrub status -v (Shows the scrubbing status of volumes)
vol options nosnapdir on|off (enables or disables snapshot visibility from the volume or LUN level)
qtree create /vol/volume_name/qtree_name (Create a qtree within a volume)
qtree security /vol/volume_name/qtree_name unix|ntfs|mixed (Change security settings of a qtree)
qtree stats qtree_name (Shows CIFS or NFS ops/sec for a given qtree)
qtree status (Displays all your Qtree’s)
snap create volume_name snapshot_name (create a snapshot)
snap list volume_name (List snapshots for a volume)
snap delete volume_name snapshot_name (delete a snapshot on a volume)
snap delete -a volume_name (Deletes all snapshots for a volume)
snap autodelete volume_name show (Shows snapshot autodelete settings for a volume)
snap restore -s snapshot_name volume_name (Restores a snapshot on the specified volume name)
snap sched volume_name weeks days hours@time (Creates a snapshot schedule on a volume i.e. snap sched volume 4 5 1@07 Weekly Snapshots are created at midnight on each Sunday, Daily snapshots are created each day except Sunday at midnight)
snap delta volume_name (Shows delta changes between snapshots for a given volume)
snap reserve volume_name (Shows the snap reserve for a given volume)
snap reclaimable volume_name snapshot_name (Shows the amount of space reclaimable if you remove this snapshot from the volume)
options cifs.show_snapshot on (Allows snapshot directory to be browse-able via CIFS)
options nfs.hide_snapshot off (Allows snapshot directory to be visible via NFS)
options snapmirror.enable on (turns on SnapMirror. Replace on with off to toggle)
rdfile /etc/snapmirror.allow (Performed on the Source Filer. You should see you destination filers in this file.)
wrfile /etc/snapmirror.allow (Performed on the Source Filer. Overwrites the file with the specified destination filer name and ip address)
vol restrict volume_name (Performed on the Destination. Makes the destination volume read only which must be done for volume based replication. Don’t use for Qtree based replication)
snapmirror initialize -S srcfiler:source_volume dstfiler:destination_volume (Performed on the destination. This is for full volume mirror. For example snapmirror initialize -S filer1:vol1 filer2:vol2)
snapmirror initialize -S srcfiler:/vol/vol1/qtree dstfiler:/vol/vol1/qtree (Performed on the destination. Performs the same as the command above but for Qtree’s only)
snapmirror initialize -S srcfiler/vol/vol1/- dstfiler:/vol/vol1/qtree (Performed on the destination. Performs volume to qtree replication. Includes all luns, exports on the source volume)
snapmirror status (Shows the status of snapmirror and replicated volumes or qtree’s)
snapmirror status -l (Shows much more detail that the command above, i.e. snapshot name, bytes transferred, progress, etc)
snapmirror quiesce volume_name (Performed on Destination. Pauses the SnapMirror Replication. If you are removing the snapmirror relationship this is the first step.)
snapmirror break volume_name (Performed on Destination. Breaks or disengages the SnapMirror Replication. If you are removing the snapmirror relationship this is the second step followed by deleting the snapshot)
snapmirror resync volume_name (Performed on Destination. When data is out of date, for example working off DR site and wanting to resync back to primary, only performed when SnapMirror relationship is broken)
snapmirror update -S srcfiler:volume_name dstfiler:volume_name (Performed on Destination. Forces a new snapshot on the source and performs a replication, only if an initial replication baseline has been already done)
snapmirror release volume_name dstfiler:volume_name (Performed on Destination. Removes a snapmirror destination)
/etc/snapmirror.conf (edit or wrfile this file on the destination filer or vfiler to enter in a snapmirror schedule. i.e. srcfiler:vol1 dstfiler:vol1 – 15 * * * This will replicate every 15 minutes. Each * represents a value. Starting from right to left you have day of week, month, day of month, hour minute. Minute 0-59, hours 0-23, day-of-month 1-31, day-of-week 0 for Sunday – 6 Saturday) Each value can only be a number.)
/vol/vfiler_vol/etc/snapmirror.conf (read or write this file for snapmirror configurations on a vfiler. vfiler_vol being the first volume with the /etc in the vfiler)
“priv set diag” followed by “snapmirror break -h ” followed by “priv set”. (If for some reason you snapmirror relationship has been orphaned, meaning it doesn’t exist in snapmirror status on the source but does exist on the destination, you can use these three commands to force the destination to become read/write. You can then do “snap list” and find the baseline snapshot for the destination. Followed by snap delete of the baseline snapshot. This will remove the snapmirror relationship if all else fails. Lastly don’t forget to remove the entry from snapmirror.conf)
cf enable (enable cluster)
cf disable (disable cluster)
cf takeover (take over resources from other controller)
cf giveback (give back controller resources after a take over)
vFiler – Multistore
vfiler limit (Performed on the host to see what the limit of vfilers is)
vfiler limit 16 (Performed on the host to change the limit of vfilers to 16 or any number you specify. Check the documentation for Memory Requirements before doing this)
vfiler status (Displays the status of the vfiler i.e. running or stopped)
vfiler status -r (On the host system. Shows which volumes are running on each vfiler)
vfiler rename old_vfiler_name new_vfiler_name (Renames a vfiler)
vfiler run vfiler_name setup (Runs the vfiler setup wizard)
vfiler run vfiler_name cifs setup (Runs the cifs setup wizard for a vfiler)
ipspace create ipspacename (Creates an ipspace – needed when 2 or more vfilers use the same network subnets)
ipspace list (Lists the available ipspace’s)
ipspace assign ipspacename interface_name (Assigns the interface to an ipspace.)
ipspace destroy ipspace_name (Removes/Deletes an ipspace)
vfiler create vfiler_name -s ipspace_name -i x.x.x.x /vol/volume_name or qtree_name (Creates a vfiler name with ip address x.x.x.x and assigns the volume or qtree to the vfiler. The -s is optional)NOTE: Creating a qtree as the base vfiler does not allow you to enable snapmirror. You must create the base as a volume!
vfiler add vfiler_name -i x.x.x.x /vol/volume_name (Adds an ip address and additional volume (can be qtree) to an existing vfiler name)
vfiler remove vfiler_name -i x.x.x.x /vol/volume_name (Removes an IP address and volume from an existing vfiler)
vfiler destroy vfiler_name (Deletes/removes a vfiler)
vfiler rename vfiler_name_old vfiler_name_new (Renames a vfiler from old name to new name)
vfiler context vfiler_name (Changes CLI into the context of the vfiler name)
vfiler allow vfiler_name proto=cifs proto=nfs proto=iscsi (Allows the following protocols cifs, nfs and iscsi. Disallows rsh, ssh, ftp and http)
vfiler stop vfiler_name (Stops a vfiler instance)
vfiler start vfiler_name (Starts a vfiler instance)
vfiler run vfiler_name route add default x.x.x.x 1 (Adds a default route to a vfiler. Performed from vfiler0)
route add x.x.x.x/x x.x.x.x 1 (Adds a route in a vfiler)
To add extra vlans to a vfiler you must do the following:
Check the ip space that the vfiler is using by typing ipspace list
Create the vlan interface on the host i.e. vif0-360 for vlan 360
Assign the interface to the ip space of the vfiler i.e. ipspace assign ipspace_name vif0-360
Add the ip address you wish to use on the vlan interface to the vfiler i.e. vfiler add vfiler_name -i
Once the vfiler has this ip address in it’s config we can add it onto the interface i.e. ifconfig vif0-360 netmask
options on (Turns Autosupport on)
options off (Turns Autosupport off)
autosupport.doit “description” (creates an autosupport alert with a user defined description)
Hot Spares
Any functioning disk that is not assigned to an aggregate but is assigned to a controller functions as a hot spare disk
disk show
vol status -r (displays which disks are allocated as spare)
disk show (Show disk information)
disk show -n (Show unowned disks)
disk assign 0d.02.0 -s unowned (Changes ownership from owned to unowned or to other cluster member)
disk assign 0d.02.0 (assigns the disk to the controller you perform the command on)
options disk.auto_assign off (turns auto assign of unowned disks to controllers to off)
options disk.auto_assign on (turns auto assign of unowned disks to controllers to on)
storage show disk -p (displays primary, secondary port, shelf and bay in a metro cluster)
lun setup (runs the cli lun setup wizard)
lun create -s 10g -t windows_2008 -o noreserve /vol/vol1/lun1 (creates a lun of 10GB with type Windows 2008, sets no reservation and places it in the following volume or qtree)
lun offline lun_path (takes a lun offline)
lun online lun_path (brings a lun online)
lun show -v (Verbose listing of luns)
lun move /lun_path_source /lun_path_destination (Move lun from source to destination)
lun resize -f lun_path +|- new_size k|m|g|t (Resizes a lun by adding space (+) or subtracting space (-) Note: a lun can only ever grow 10x it’s original size)
lun map /vol/vol1/lun1 igroup_name (Maps lun1 to the igroup_name)
Fiber FCP
fcadmin config -t taget 0a (Changes adapter from initiator to target)
fcadmin config (lists adapter state)
fcadmin start (Start the FCP service)
fcadmin stop (Stop the FCP service)
fcp show adapters (Displays adapter type, status, FC Nodename, FC Portname and slot number)
fcp nodename (Displays fiber channel nodename)
fcp show initiators (Show fiber channel initiators)
fcp wwpn-alias set alias_name (Set a fiber channel alias name for the controller)
fcp wwpn-alias remove -a alias_name (Remove a fiber channel alias name for the controller)
igroup show (Displays initiator groups with WWN’s)
iscsi start (Start the iscsi service)
iscsi stop (Stop the iscsi server)
iscsi status (Show whether iscsi server is running or not running)
iscsi interface show (Show which interfaces are enabled or disabled for iscsi)
iscsi interface enable interface_name (Enable an interface for iscsi)
iscsi interface disableinterface_name (Disable an interface for iscsi)
iscsi nodename (Display the controllers iscsi nodename)
igroup show (Displays iSCSI initiators)
igroup create -i -t vmware sqlcluster_igroup (Creates an Initiator Group called sqlcluster_igroup with OS type vmware)
igroup add sqlcluster_igroup (Assigns the following iscsi initiator to the sqlcluster_igroup. This can also be FCP addresses)
cifs setup (cifs setup wizard)
cifs terminate (terminate the cifs service)
cifs restart (restarts cifs)
cifs shares (displays cifs shares)
cifs status (show status of cifs)
cifs lookup SID|name (Either displays the SID if you type in the name or name if you type in the SID)
cifs sessions (Show you current cifs sessions)
cifs sessions -s username (Shows the current session for a user)
cifs broadbast -v volume_name “message” (Broadcast a message to all users connected to volume_name)
cifs shares -add share_name /vol/volume_name/qtree_name (Create a cifs share on a specific volume or qtree)
cifs shares -delete share_name (Deletes a share name)
cifs shares share_name (Displays full path and permissions of the share)
cifs access share_name -g user_rights (Grants specific user rights to the share)
cifs access share_name user_name permission (Grants a specific permission to a user for a share. Permissions = Full Control, Change, Read, No Access)
cifs domain info (Lists information about the filers connected Windows Domain)
cifs testdc ip_address (Test a specific Windows Domain Controller for connectivity)
cifs prefdc (Displays configured preferred Windows Domain Controllers)
cifs prefdc add domain address_list (Adds a preferred dc for a specific domain i.e. cifs prefdc add netapplab.local
cifs prefdc delete domain (Delete a preferred Windows Domain Controllers)
cifs gpresult (Displays which Windows Group Policies apply to this filer)
cifs gpupdate (Forces an update of Windows Group Policy)
cifs top (Performance data for cifs. cifs.per_client_stats.enable option must be on to use this feature)
vscan on (Turns virus scanning on)
vscan off (Turns virus scanning off)
vscan reset (Resets virus scanning)
nfs setup (Runs the NFS setup wizard)
/etc/export (Enter in your export information here and save the file. Then proceed with exportfs -a to update memory buffer)
exportfs (Displays current exports)
exportfs -p path (Adds exports to the /etc/exports file)
exportfs -uav (Unexports all current exports)
exportfs -u path (Unexports a specific export from memory)
exportfs -z path (Unexports a specific export and also removes it from /etc/exports)
exportfs -a (Updates memory buffer with contents in /etc/exports)
nfsstat -d (Displays NFS statistics)
HTTP Admin
options httpd.admin.enable on (Turns on http web admin, na_admin)
options httpd.admin.access host=x.x.x.x,x.x.x.x (Allows admin access for specific hosts separated by a comma)
SIS (Deduplication)
sis status (Show SIS status)
sis config (Show SIS config)
sis on /vol/vol1 (Turn on deduplication on vol1)
sis config -s mon-fri@23 /vol/vol1 (Configure deduplication to run every monday – Friday at 11pm on vol1)
sis start -s /vol/vol1 (Run deduplication manually on vol1)
sis status -l /vol/vol1 (Display deduplication status on vol1)
df -s vol1 (View space savings with deduplication)
sis stop /vol/vol1 (Stop deduplication on vol1)
sis off /vol/vol1 (Disables deduplication on vol1)
User Accounts
useradmin user add user_name -g group_name (Adds a user to a group)
useradmin user list (Lists current users)
useradmin user list user_name (List specific user information)
useradmin group list (Lists current groups)
useradmin group delete group_name (Deletes a specific group name)
useradmin group modify group_name -g new_group_name (Modify group name)
useradmin user delete user_name (Delete a specific user)
useradmin user modify user_name -g group_name (Adds a user to a group)
useradmin domain user add user_name -g group_name (Adds a Windows Domain user to a local group)
useradmin domain user list -g group_name (List Windows Domain users in a specific group)
dns flush (Flushes the DNS cache)
/etc/resolv.conf (edit this file to change your dns servers)
ndmpd status (check status)
ndmpd on|off (turns ndmpd on or off)
ndmpd version (displays version information)
ndmpd version 4 (set ndmpd version to 4)
options ndmpd (Display ndmpd options)
Reading and Writing Files (Deduplication)
rdfile path/file (Reads a file)
wrfile path/file (Writes to a file. Warning this method overwrites the file. Make sure you copy out original contents if you wish to keep it. If you haven’t used this before try on the simulator.)
wrfile -a path/file (Writes to a file by appending the changes)
/etc/messages (All logging is for the system is stored here)
vif status (Displays the status of VIF interfaces)
vif create lacp vif0 ip e0a,e0b,e0c,e0d (Create a vif interface named VIF0 using lacp and a load balancing method of IP, bundled with interface e0a, e0b, e0c, e0d)
vif add vif0 e0a (Adds a down interface into an existing VIF)
vif destroy vif0 (deletes a VIF interface)
vlan create vif0 10 (create a vlan on interface vif0. The interface will be vifo-10)
vlan delete vif0 10 (deletes the vlan interface vif0-10)
ifconfig vif0-10 x.x.x.x netmask x.x.x.x partner vif0-10 (Sets IP information on the interface named vif0-10 with a partner interface of vif0-10)
route add default 1 (Adds a default route of with metric 1)
If you have any technical questions about this tutorial or any other tutorials on this site, please open a new thread in the forums and the community will be able to help you out.

Source :

Netapp Snapmirror Setup

In this tutorial we will concentrate on setting up Netapp’s Snapmirror. In this lab I have two filers with the following hostname ctrlpri and ctrldr. ctrlpri ( being the primary or source filer and ctrldr ( being the disaster recovery or destination filer.
1. First up you must license snapmirror on both filers.
2. Enable Snapmirror on both filers.
ctrlpri> options snapmirror.enable on
ctrldr> options snapmirror.enable on
3. Turn on the Snapmirror log
ctrlpri> options snapmirror.log.enable on
ctrldr> options snapmirror.log.enable on
4. You must allow the destination filer access to the source filer. This is done by adding the ip address to /etc/snapmirror.allow on the source filer. NOTE use rdfile /etc/snapmirror.allow first to see if you have any existing entries.
ctrlpri> wrfile /etc/snapmirror.allow
Press CTRL-C to exit and save the file.
5. To create a volume for volume based replication we must first create the volume and then restrict it (In this tutorial we have created a destination volume named vol1_dr). After creating the volume, type in this command to restrict it. NOTE: You do not need to restrict the volume for Qtree replication which is explained in step 6b.
ctrldr> vol restrict vol1_dr
6a. The next step is to define what you want to replicate. In this step we will initialize a volume based replication. This is performed on the destination filer.
ctrldr> snapmirror initialize -S ctrlpri:vol1 ctrldr:vol1_dr
Transfer started.
Monitor progress with ‘snapmirror status’ or the snapmirror log
6b. In this step we will initialize a Qtree based replication. This is also performed on the destination filer. NOTE: the destination volume MUST NOT be in restricted mode. The Qtree will automatically be created for you, there is no need to manually create the destination Qtree.
ctrldr> snapmirror initialize -S ctrlpri:/vol/vol1/QtreeVM-NFS ctrldr:/vol/vol1_dr/Qtreevm-NFS
Transfer started.
Monitor progress with ‘snapmirror status’ or the snapmirror log
7. Now that we have our replication going we will want to check the status. On the destination filer perform the following command:
ctrldr> snapmirror status

ctrldr qtree Netapp Snapmirror Setup
As the initial baseline transfer is happening you will see the status as Uninitialized, once it completes you will see the status as idle.
8. So we’ve finished our initial baseline transfer and our status shows snapmirror is idle. Let’s schedule 15 minute transfers from source to destination. Use rdfile /etc/snapmirror.conf on the destination filer first to see if the file contains data. Then use the following command:
ctrldr> wrfile /etc/snapmirror.conf
ctrlpri:vol1 ctrldr:vol1_dr – 15 * * * *
CTRL-C to exit and save the file.
This will replicate every 15 minutes. Each * represents a value. Starting from right to left you have day of week, month, day of month, hour minute. Each value can only be a number. i.e. for month enter in 5 for May
You can check out more Snapmirror CLI commands in the Netapp CLI Pocket Guide Page.

Snapmirror Setup, Configuration and Schedule Video Tutorial

Source :

VMware ESXi 5 Install

1. Either burn or mount the ESXi 5 iso image to the DVD drive of the server and let the server boot from dvd.

01 esxi 5 install Installing VMware ESXi 5
2. The dvd continues to boot.

02 esxi 5 install Installing VMware ESXi 5
3. Press enter to continue at the Welcome to VMware ESXi 5 Installation screen.

03 esxi 5 install Installing VMware ESXi 5
4. Press F11 to accept the End User License Agreement.

04 esxi 5 install Installing VMware ESXi 5
5. Select the hard drive you wish to install VMware ESXi 5 onto and press Enter.

05 esxi 5 install Installing VMware ESXi 5
6. Select your keyboard layout and press Enter.

06 esxi 5 install Installing VMware ESXi 5
7. VMware have added in this step as opposed to previous version. Here we will enter in the root password that we wish to use. In previous version you would enter in the root password after ESXi is installed. When you are finished press enter.

07 esxi 5 install Installing VMware ESXi 5
8. Press F11 to begin installing ESXi 5.

08 esxi 5 install Installing VMware ESXi 5
9. The installation process.

09 esxi 5 install Installing VMware ESXi 5
10. Once the installation is complete you are required to reboot the server. Press enter.

10 esxi 5 install Installing VMware ESXi 5
11. VMware ESXi 5 is now installed. Move onto the next tutorial to begin setting a static ipaddress, dns, etc.

11 esxi 5 install Installing VMware ESXi 5

Installing VMware ESXi 5 Video Tutorial

Source :

VMware ESXi 5 Configuration

1. After VMware ESXi 5 has booted, press F2.

11 esxi 5 install Configuring VMware ESXi 5
2. Enter in your root password and press enter.

12 esxi 5 install Configuring VMware ESXi 5
3. Here is the customization menu. You can configure a new root password at the first menu if you like. Lets select Configure Management Network.

13 esxi 5 install Configuring VMware ESXi 5
4. Lets select Network Adapter and we can see which adapter is connected.

14 esxi 5 install Configuring VMware ESXi 5
5. As you can see I only have one network adapter connected. But in a scenario where you have multiple nic’s installed, you will be able to see which ones are connected or disconnected. You will also have the option to select the nic you wish to configure for the management network. When you are finished press esc.

15 esxi 5 install Configuring VMware ESXi 5
6. Select Set Status IP Address. Here I will give my ESXi 5 host an ip address of with default gateway Press enter when you’re done

16 esxi 5 install Configuring VMware ESXi 5
7. Now select DNS configuration in the menu and enter in your primary and secondary dns servers followed by a hostname for the ESXi 5 host.

17 esxi 5 install Configuring VMware ESXi 5
8. enter in a custom dns suffix. Here I will enter in vmlab.local as this is the dns suffix of my Active Directory Domain. Press enter when you’re done.

18 esxi 5 install Configuring VMware ESXi 5
9. To commit the changes we need to restart the management network, press Y.

19 esxi 5 install Configuring VMware ESXi 5
10. If we select view View System Logs you will see a few more options compared to VMware ESXi 4. The new options are Syslog, VMkernel, Virtual Center Agent and VMware ESXi Observation log. Feel free to have a look through these.

20 esxi 5 install Configuring VMware ESXi 5
11. You can see some information about the ESXi 5 host when you select View Support Information. Press Page Down/Up to scroll through the pages. You also have the option to reset the system configuration back to factory default.

21 esxi 5 install Configuring VMware ESXi 5
12. Now that we have our VMware ESXi 5 host installed and configured, lets download the vsphere 5 client. Browse to or the ip address that you set for your ESXi 5 host. Accept the certificate and download the vSphere 5 client. Run through the installation which is quite basic and when you’re finished load the client. Enter in the ip address or hostname (make sure you can resolve the hostname of the ESXi host) of your host, username root and the password you setup earlier. Press Login

22 esxi 5 install Configuring VMware ESXi 5
13. Select Install this certificate and do not display any security warnings, then click ignored.

23 esxi 5 install Configuring VMware ESXi 5
14. The vSphere client will connect to your ESXi 5 host. Click the summary tab to display information about your ESXi 5 host.

24 esxi 5 install Configuring VMware ESXi 5

Source :

Upgrading to vCenter 5

1. Firstly backup your vcenter database followed by backing up your vcenter SSL keys C:programdataVMwareVMware VirtualCenterSSL. Log into your vCenter server as the service account that is running the vCenter services. Either burn or mount the vCenter 5 iso image to the DVD drive of your vCenter server. It will either auto start or if you have auto start disabled you can browse the DVD and double click autostart.exe. First thing we are going to do is test our current ESXi servers to see if the VPX agent is ready to be upgraded. NOTE: In vSphere 5, there is no more ESX servers, so you must plan to re-install your hosts to ESXi.

01 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
2. Select vCenter Host Agent Pre-Upgrade Checker and click Install. Click Next at the Welcome screen.

02 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
3. The wizard will pick up your existing DSN, enter in the username and password to authenticate to your database. Alternatively you can select Use Windows Credentials if the user you are logged in with has access to your database, or Use Virtual Center Credentials. Click Next.

03 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
4. Select Custom Mode. Click Next.

04 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
5. Select your hosts and click Next.

05 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
6. Click Run precheck and when finished click Next.

06 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
7. As you can see my host has passed, you can also click on View Report if you wish. Click Next.

07 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
8. The Pre-Upgrade Checker has now complete, click Finish.

08 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
9. Click on vCenter Server and click install to being the vCenter 5 installation wizard.

09 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
10. Select your language and click Ok.

10 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
11. The wizard picks up that you have a previous version of vCenter and that an upgrade to vCenter 5 will take place. Click Next.

11 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
12. Click Next to the End-User Patent Agreement.

12 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
13. Agree to the license agreement and click Next.

13 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
14. Enter in your username and organization followed by your license key, or leave empty to install in evaluation mode. Click Next.

14 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
15. Click Yes if you are continuing in evaluation mode or click no and enter in your vcenter 5 license key.

15 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
16. Your preivous DSN is found, click Next.

16 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
17. Make sure you take a backup of your existing database before upgrading. Also backup your SSL keys. Select Upgrade and click I have taken a backup. Click Next.

17 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
18. You can select Automatic or Manual here, I select Automatic to have vCenter upgrade my vCenter Agent on each host automatically. Click Next.

18 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
19. Enter in your password for the vCenter Service and enter in your FQDN for your vCenter Server. Click Next.

19 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
20. Select your installation Directories for vCenter 5 and click Next.

20 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
21. Check your port settings for conflicts, most of these ports are from your existing vCenter 4. Click Next.

21 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
22. Check the Inventory Service Ports for conflicts. Click Next.

22 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
23. Select the Inventory Size that corresponds to your environment. Click Next.

23 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
24. If you power on more than 2000 virtual machines simultaneously then select this box, otherwise click Install.

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25. The vCenter 5 upgrade begins.

25 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
26. Click Finish.

26 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
27. Back at the welcome screen, install the vSphere Client. This will upgrade your existing client. The installation is very basic so I won’t provide any screen shots. Once the new vSphere Client is installed, double click it to launch it. Enter in your vCenter ip address or hostname followed by your username/password or you can tick the box to use your current Windows session credentials.

27 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
28. Select Install this certificate… and then click Ignore.

28 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5
29. You are now logged into your new vCenter 5 Server.

29 vcenter 5 upgrade Upgrading vCenter 4 to vCenter 5

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