Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Flashing the Battery Firmware and Resetting the FCMTO flag

How to enable the SP port (if not currently set up)
Perform the following steps:
1. Connect a network cable to the FAS32XX 1. system SP port.
2. Setup the SP with a static IP address:
LOAD-A> sp setup
The Service Processor (SP) provides remote management capabilities including console redirection, logging and power control.
It also extends autosupport by sending additional system event alerts. Your autosupport settings are used for sending these alerts via Would you like to configure the SP? yes
Would you like to enable DHCP on the SP LAN interface? no
Please enter the IP address for the SP [ ]:
Please enter the netmask for the SP [ ]:
Please enter the IP address for the SP gateway []:
Do you want to enable IPv6 on the SP ? no
How to flash the battery Firmware
Perform the following steps:
1. Run the following command to halt the system:
ontap> halt
a. Alternatively, a ‘cf takeover’ can be executed from the partner node in a clustered configuration.  From the partner controller run the following command.
partner_ontap> cf takeover
2. Log in to the SP CLI by pressing Control+G:
3. Log in as naroot. Input a password if necessary.
    Switching console to Service Processor
Service Processor Login: naroot
4. Enable the diagnostic privileges and display the battery information:
SP>priv set diag
5. Confirm the battery vendor (EnergySales, or Nexergy) and check the rev_hardware values. If the rev_hardware is 0x00d3 or higher, the battery firmware already
SP*>system battery show
chemistry : LION
device-name : bq20z80
expected-load-mw : 90
id : 27100027
manufacturer : EnergySales
manufacturer-date : 4/4/2010
rev_cell : 0x0000
rev_firmware : 0x0100

rev_hardware : 0x00d1
TI_fw_version : 0x0102
TI_hw_version : 0xa2
serial : 0x0001
status : ready
6. Flash the battery firmware on to the battery. Use the correct battery firmware file: battery-27100027-nexergy.i or battery-27100027-6. energysales.i
For Energy Sales Batteries:
SP*> system battery flash http://<Battery_Firmware_File_Location>battery-27100027-energysales.i
Nexergy Batteries:
SP*> system battery flash http://<Battery_Firmware_File_Location>battery-27100027-nexergy.i
Downloading battery firmware image ... Successful
Accessing battery ...
Flashing 27100027-EnergySales battery FW revision from 'd1' to 'd3' ... done
Disabled battery auto update after manual firmware flash
Battery firmware update completed.
7. Perform a battery verify. You will see the message ‘Verify test passed’ when the operation is completed successfully.
For Energy Sales Batteries:
SP*> system battery verify http://<Battery_Firmware_File_Location>battery-27100027-energysales.i
Nexergy Batteries:
SP*> system battery verify http://<Battery_Firmware_File_Location>battery-27100027-nexergy.i
Downloading battery firmware image ... Successful
Verify test passed
Verify the rev_hardware has changed to 0x00d3:
SP*> system battery show
chemistry : LION
device-name : bq20z80
expected-load-mw : 90
id : 27100027
manufacturer : EnergySales
manufacturer-date : 4/4/2010
rev_cell : 0x0000
rev_firmware : 0x0100
rev_hardware : 0x00d3
TI_fw_version : 0x0102
TI_hw_version : 0xa2
serial : 0x0001
status : ready

Exit the SP shell (if SSH was used to access the SP, connect to the system console port):
SP*>CTRL-D to exit SP shell